What is a WebQuest? By conducting research activities on the internet and combining these with additional activities, you will become familiar with new things concerning a specific topic. This allows you to expand your knowledge and create new skills for you.
The topic of this WebQuest is getting a basic knowledge of what is meant by “tolerance”, “values”, “beliefs” and “customs”, of the value of diversity in the workplace and dangers of cultural intolerance for peace and security of all people. Everyone is different, individual and comes from different parts of the world and cultural backgrounds. And that is wonderful! A diverse world with huge opportunities for learning. Diversity is not only important in our everyday life, but also major for workplaces. By the end of this WebQuest you will be an expert on open-mindedness and tolerance. You will be able to identify intolerance and discrimination and know how to raise your voice against it. Raise awareness!
En esta WebQuest trabajarán de a tres.
Task 1: What does tolerance mean?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define “tolerance”.
Task 2: What are values, beliefs and customs?
Your second step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define values, beliefs, and customs.
Task 3: What is the value of diversity in the workplace?
Your third step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to find out what the value of diversity in a workplace is.
Task 4: Dangers of cultural intolerance
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to learn about the dangers of cultural intolerance.
Task 5: Raising awareness
Your fifth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to raise awareness of diversity.
On it!
Task 1: What does tolerance mean?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define “tolerance”.
Klick on the definitions below:
Which definition suits you best?
Why is tolerance so important?
Task 2: What are values, beliefs and customs?
Your second step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define values, beliefs, and customs.
Read through the articles and watch the videos.
Wellbeing For Children: Identity And Values
What is the difference between customs and traditions?
Values VS. Beliefs
Can you name the difference between values, customs and beliefs?
What are your personal values, customs and beliefs?
What are your cultural values, customs and beliefs?
Share and compare with your peers!
Task 3: What is the value of diversity in the workplace?
Your third step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to find out what the value of diversity in a workplace is.
Watch the video and read through the links below:
What is Diversity? – About Diversity in the working world
Discuss in your peer group the following questions:
-What does “diversity in the workplace” really mean?
-What are the 4 types of diversity?
-How does diversity benefit the workplace?
Task 4: Dangers of cultural intolerance
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to learn about the dangers of cultural intolerance.
Read through the article and answer the following questions:
What are the problems or effects of discrimination? | Eschooltoday
-Where is the statement “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” embedded?
-What happens when there is intolerance in society?
-Have you ever felt or seen intolerance or discrimination?
-What are effects of discrimination?
Task 5: Raising awareness
Your fifth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to raise awareness of diversity.
Read through the article and watch the videos.
What can you do to raise awareness?
Discuss with your peers.
UNITY: Anti-Discrimination Video
Good job!
You have almost completed this WebQuest. Let’s give it a try and answer the following questions to confirm how much additional knowledge and skills you have gained:
-What aspects of open-mindedness were new to you?
-Which things have you already known before?
-Which strategies to raise awareness of diversity did you find?
-What are the differences between “values”, “beliefs” and “customs”?
In this WebQuest, you can work in small groups of 2-3. There are four tasks waiting for you in the WebQuest. Let's look at them.
You first task is to learn more about the terms of tolerance and intolerance.
Your second task is to support tolerance in your everyday life.
Your next task is to learn about the advantages of a diverse workplace.
Your final task is to prepare a professional presentation on the topic The Advantages of Having a Diverse Workplace.
Learn more about the terms of tolerance and intolerance.
Study the following information sources that contain all knowledge you need to fulfil this task.
Source 1 – Video about tolerance
Source 2 - Article about how to be open-minded
Source 3 - Article on tolerance at Work
Source 4 – Video: Don't Put People in Boxes
Intolerance refers to a lack of acceptance, respect, or tolerance towards beliefs, opinions, or behaviors that differ from one's own. It can manifest in various ways, including discrimination, prejudice, hatred, and bigotry.
Intolerance can be directed towards individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political views, or other characteristics. It can lead to exclusion, marginalization, and mistreatment of those who are perceived as different or "other."
Your second task is to support tolerance in your everyday life.
One real-life story that illustrates the importance of tolerance happened in the United States in 2019. In New York, there was a woman named Susan who lived next to a Muslim family. Susan had prejudices against Muslims and felt threatened by their religion and culture.
One day, Susan fell ill and was forced to stay at home. Her Muslim neighbors decided to help her by bringing her food so she wouldn't have to go shopping. Susan was surprised and touched by their kindness. Thanks to this situation, Susan became more interested in Islam and learned more about this culture. She gradually realized that her prejudices were based on ignorance and misunderstanding. She started to build better relationships with her Muslim neighbors and became more open and tolerant towards their culture and religion.
This story teaches us that prejudices and ignorance can lead to hatred and conflicts, but openness, empathy, and a willingness to get to know and understand others can lead to change and better relationships.
Source 1 – Video: That Little Voice
Source 2 - Article about discrimination and intolerance
Source 3 – Article: 8 Tips to Build Tolerance in Your Life
Source 4 - Article: How to Be Tolerant of Others
Your next task is to learn about the advantages of a diverse workplace.
A diverse workplace is one that includes employees with different backgrounds, cultures, ages, genders, religions, abilities, and other characteristics.
Source 1 – Article: What diversity really means, and why it’s crucial in the workplace
Source 2 - Article about the benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace
Source 3 - Video about diversity in the working world
Source 4 - Video on how diversity makes teams more innovative
Your final task is to prepare a professional presentation on the topic The Advantages of Having a Diverse Workplace.
You have learned many useful skills in this WebQuest. Now your task is to prepare a presentation where you will summarize and present the advantages of diverse workplace. The following resources will help you.
Source 1 – Video about the benefits and challenges of a diverse team
Source 2 – Video: 5 Reasons Why Workforce Diversity is Good for your Workplace
Source 3 - Video about how to prepare a presentation with the correct structure
Source 4 - Article about tips for making effective PowerPoint presentations
And now think together about what you will do with the presentation. You can present it during classes at school or make an interesting video from it on YouTube or publish it on an internet blog. There are many options. Share your knowledge with other people
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
You have just successfully completed this WebQuest on tolerance and diverse workplace. If you have completed all the tasks, you can rightly consider yourself an expert on this topic because you now have much more knowledge about this topic than the average person in your country. You already know that a tolerant person is someone who is accepting and respectful of people with different beliefs, opinions, or lifestyles, and does not discriminate against them based on those differences. You know how to support and develop tolerance in your everyday life. You are able to describe and explain the advantages of mixed work teams. You know that a diverse workplace can bring many benefits to companies, including increased innovation, improved problem-solving, better communication, increased cultural awareness, attracting and retaining top talent, and improved customer relations.
Congratulations, your knowledge of tolerance and diverse workplace is excellent now!
Entre las soft skills, ser creativo es una de las más buscadas por las empresas. Desarrollar la creatividad en el trabajo no es una tarea fácil para quienes no se consideran creativos, pero sin duda podemos mejorar poniendo en práctica algunos consejos. Tener buenas ideas es un valor añadido que puede hacer que tu perfil brille allá donde vayas.
Sin duda, los mayores enemigos de la creatividad son el miedo al fracaso y la cultura del perfeccionismo en la que vivimos. Deshacernos de estos dos prejuicios contribuirá en gran medida a avanzar.
Primero definiremos qué es la creatividad, luego daremos algunos consejos sobre cómo mejorar la creatividad interior y finalmente realizaremos dos dinámicas grupales que fomenten la creatividad en grupo.
Paso 1: ¿Qué es la creatividad?
Empezaremos la sesión explicando qué es la creatividad y cómo tener creatividad en el trabajo nos ayuda a realizar las tareas.
¿Qué es la creatividad?
Características de la creatividad.
La importancia de la creatividad.
Podemos generar una presentación con el contenido.
Paso 2: Consejo para ser más creativo
Comenzaremos con una sesión de lluvia de ideas sobre cómo mejorar nuestra creatividad, para ver qué conocimientos tienen los participantes.
Después de esta lluvia de ideas que habremos recogido en una cartulina o papel continuo veremos el siguiente vídeo que habla de cómo trabajar nuestra creatividad natural:
A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford - YouTube
Daremos a cada participante una lista de tips con consejos de cómo aplicarlos en el día a día:
Rodearse de buena gente te ayuda a desarrollar la creatividad en el trabajo. Admirar las buenas ideas y los colegas innovadores te ayudará a ser más creativo.
No todos los momentos del día son buenos para ser creativo. Algunas personas se sienten más productivas por la mañana, otras por la noche. Saber esto es clave para fomentar la propia creatividad.
Ser ambicioso, establecer metas y concentrarse en los logros le ayudará a desarrollar esa mentalidad creativa. Esto te mantendrá motivado y te ayudará a lograr tu objetivo de ser creativo.
Tener una buena autoestima y ser positivo es parte del plan para ser creativo. Aquí, como decíamos, hay que dejar los miedos a un lado. Miedo al juicio de los demás, miedo a que nuestras ideas queden ridículas, miedo a no gustar... Estos miedos hay que dejarlos a un lado para evitar que nuestra creatividad se vea truncada.
Esta es una frase que repetimos todo el tiempo pero que no logramos creer por nosotros mismos. Vivimos en una cultura de la perfección donde no ser perfectos nos asusta y nos llena de inseguridades. Seguramente las ideas que tenemos al principio no son las mejores, pero también es cierto que muchas de las mejores ideas han tenido sus correspondientes adaptaciones.
La impaciencia nunca es una buena compañera. Si quieres desarrollar la creatividad con éxito debes dejarla de lado. La creatividad no siempre llega cuando uno quiere.
La lluvia de ideas es una técnica de trabajo en equipo que consiste en generar una lluvia de ideas para el pensamiento creativo y ponerlas en común para la implementación de innovaciones y acciones creativas.
Esta técnica es muy útil no sólo a nivel grupal, sino también a nivel individual para desarrollar la creatividad en el trabajo. También le ayudará a ganar confianza en sí mismo si hace de esta práctica una parte habitual de su trabajo.
Paso 3: diario de creatividad
Cada participante contará con un cuaderno en blanco, generaremos un registro de actividades que fomenten la creatividad.
Cada página se utilizará para registrar creativamente algún aspecto de la actividad. El Bullet Journal sirve para registrar las rutinas que realizamos en nuestra vida diaria, podemos adaptarlo a nuestras necesidades. En este caso lo adaptaremos a actividades que fomenten la creatividad.
Cada participante puede personalizar sus páginas, agregarlas o quitarlas, aquí hay algunos ejemplos:
Paso 4: creatividad grupal
Finalmente, vamos a trabajar la creatividad con una dinámica de grupo y colaboración.
Los participantes se sentarán en círculo y se les entregará una hoja de papel con colores y lápices.
Comenzaremos la ronda dibujando en un papel la cabeza de un personaje ficticio, que deberá estar completamente inventado. Después de que cada persona haya dibujado su cabeza, doblamos la hoja de papel donde está el cuello del personaje y se la pasamos a la persona de la derecha. Con esta nueva hoja de papel, sin mirar lo que ha dibujado su compañero, deberán dibujar el torso y los brazos del personaje.
Seguirán la misma dinámica, dibujando las piernas y luego los pies. El resultado será un personaje creado por 4 personas diferentes.
Este ejercicio se puede repetir tantas veces como los participantes quieran ya que es bastante rápido.
Resultados del aprendizaje (para el formador/profesor)
Temas | Conocimiento | Habilidades | Actitudes
Colaboración (empatía, confianza, cooperación) |
Al final de esta WebQuest, el facilitador puede utilizar estas preguntas de autorreflexión para descubrir cómo se sintieron los participantes acerca de esta actividad:
El uso de la creatividad en el trabajo ayuda a diferenciarnos de nuestros competidores, ya que la capacidad intelectual de los trabajadores que componen nuestra empresa es muy diferente al resto, por lo que debemos fomentarla y motivar a nuestros empleados para que la ejerzan.
En esta WebQuest trabajarán de a tres. Tiene la tarea de desarrollar sus habilidades de tolerancia e inteligencia cultural.
Para comenzar, realizará algunas investigaciones sobre la importancia de la conciencia cultural y la tolerancia en el lugar de trabajo, y cómo la inteligencia cultural puede ayudar a crear un lugar de trabajo más inclusivo y positivo para todos los empleados.
A continuación, participará en una discusión grupal sobre prejuicios y prejuicios personales, y cómo estas cosas pueden afectar la cultura laboral. Esta discusión grupal incluirá algunas sugerencias para generar ideas sobre cómo mejorar la inteligencia y la conciencia cultural en el lugar de trabajo.
Una vez que haya completado su discusión, investigará formas de mejorar la comunicación y la comprensión en el lugar de trabajo. Estas habilidades son muy importantes a la hora de fomentar la tolerancia, ya que ayudan a las personas a comprenderse mejor entre sí.
Una vez completada tu investigación, ¡es hora de poner tu aprendizaje en acción! Participarás en una serie de escenarios de juego de roles donde practicarás tu nueva comprensión de la tolerancia y la inteligencia cultural. Estos escenarios se crean para resaltar las ventajas de aumentar la conciencia cultural en la oficina, el valor de la diversidad en la oficina y la importancia de crear conciencia sobre los prejuicios que enfrentan las personas desfavorecidas.
Para el primer paso, debe aprender sobre las definiciones y la importancia de la tolerancia y la apertura de mente en el lugar de trabajo. Utilizando artículos y vídeos en línea sobre la tolerancia, la mentalidad abierta y la diversidad en el lugar de trabajo, aumente su conocimiento sobre la habilidad de la inteligencia cultural y el impacto que puede tener en la creación de un entorno de trabajo positivo y abierto.
Al investigar, trate de mantener el tablero de búsqueda y observe la importancia de la tolerancia y la diversidad en el lugar de trabajo para crear un entorno de trabajo seguro e inclusivo para todas las personas.
Aquí hay algunos enlaces para comenzar:
El siguiente paso es identificar y desafiar los prejuicios y estereotipos personales que puedan existir en el lugar de trabajo. Piense en las formas en que la inteligencia cultural puede beneficiar el lugar de trabajo y en cómo los sesgos y prejuicios personales pueden afectar la dinámica del lugar de trabajo y de la sociedad.
Tenga una discusión sobre los diferentes tipos de intolerancia que se pueden encontrar en el lugar de trabajo y cómo podemos trabajar juntos para eliminar los perfiles y los estereotipos en el trabajo para ayudar a crear un entorno de trabajo inclusivo y abierto.
Aquí hay algunas preguntas rápidas:
Ahora que comprende la importancia de la inteligencia cultural en el lugar de trabajo, es hora de comprender cómo puede aumentar sus habilidades comunicativas para la inclusión.
Luego de completar el proceso anterior, deberás aprender técnicas de comunicación efectivas para promover la inclusión y la comprensión en el lugar de trabajo. Investigue algunos artículos y videos en línea sobre habilidades de comunicación para la diversidad y la inclusión, y resuma las técnicas de comunicación clave para promover la inclusión y la comprensión en el lugar de trabajo en una reflexión escrita.
Aquí hay algunos enlaces para comenzar:
Finalmente, el último paso es poner en práctica los conceptos de tolerancia y apertura de mente en el lugar de trabajo. Mediante juegos de roles, demuestre algunas oportunidades para interactuar con colegas de diversos orígenes y participar en eventos y actividades en el lugar de trabajo que promuevan la diversidad y la inclusión.
A continuación se muestran algunos escenarios que puede utilizar para poner en práctica sus nuevas habilidades de inteligencia cultural. Complete estos juegos de rol en grupo:
Una vez que hayas completado tu juego de roles, tómate un tiempo para reflexionar sobre cada uno y qué habilidades usaste para aliviar la situación. Anota los diferentes tipos de discriminación o diferencia cultural experimentada en cada uno y cómo estos escenarios te llevaron a considerar la forma en que una cultura laboral puede ser inaccesible para todos los empleados.
Para evaluar esta WebQuest, los educadores deben utilizar las siguientes preguntas para reflexionar sobre la experiencia de aprendizaje de los alumnos:
¡Felicitaciones, ya ha completado esta WebQuest sobre tolerancia y mentalidad abierta!En esta WebQuest, aprendió la importancia de la tolerancia y la mentalidad abierta en el lugar de trabajo, identificó y desafió algunos prejuicios personales, mejoró sus habilidades de comunicación y ahora está listo para ponerlas en práctica en el lugar de trabajo.
En esta WebQuest trabajarán de a tres.
Task 1: What does motivation mean?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of motivation and motivational strategies is to find out a little bit about the word “motivation” and how you can boost it at the workplace or classroom.
Task 2: How do you motivate yourself?
Your second step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of motivation and motivational strategies is to think about your personal and professional motivation factors and to figure out how others motivate themselves.
Task 3: Tips and Tricks!
Your third step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of motivation and motivational strategies will provide you with very helpful, easy-to-use strategies with instant effects. The questions for the interesting article invite you to analyse the content.
Task 4: Reflection.
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of motivation and motivational strategies is to identify motivational methods and exercises that will bring you closer to your goals.
Task 5: Motivation Diary:
Your fifth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of motivation and motivational strategies is to try out a motivational diary to keep track of emotional highlights.
Have fun!
Task 1: What does tolerance mean?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define “tolerance”.
Klick on the definitions below:
Which definition suits you best?
Why is tolerance so important?
Task 2: What are values, beliefs and customs?
Your second step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to define values, beliefs, and customs.
Read through the articles and watch the videos.
Can you name the difference between values, customs and beliefs?
What are your personal values, customs and beliefs?
What are your cultural values, customs and beliefs?
Share and compare with your peers!
Task 3: What is the value of diversity in the workplace?
Your third step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to find out what the value of diversity in a workplace is.
Watch the video and read through the links below:
Discuss in your peer group the following questions:
Task 4: Dangers of cultural intolerance
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to learn about the dangers of cultural intolerance.
Read through the article and answer the following questions:
Task 5: Raising awareness
Your fifth step for becoming an expert on the basic knowledge of open-mindedness is to raise awareness of diversity.
Read through the article and watch the videos.
What can you do to raise awareness?
Discuss with your peers.
https://www.wikihow.com/Raise-Awareness-of-Diversity,-Equality,-and-Inclusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll56imVATLk
Good job!
Temas | Level | Conocimiento | Habilidades | Actitudes
Open-Mindedness | Introductory:
Basic knowledge of the dangers of cultural intolerance for the peace and security of all people |
You have almost completed this WebQuest. Let’s give it a try and answer the following questions to confirm how much additional knowledge and skills you have gained:
Very well done! You now know the difference between values, beliefs and customs. Furthermore, you can identify diversity and tolerance and know about the dangers of intolerance and discrimination. Moreover, you found a good strategy to raise awareness of diversity.
Congratulations, your knowledge of tolerance and diverse workplace is excellent now!
Curiosity is a powerful human trait that drives us to explore, discover, and learn. It's the desire to know more about the world and the people around us. Curiosity can lead to new insights, creativity, and innovation. It's also an essential quality for personal growth and development.
In this WebQuest, you will have the opportunity to learn more about curiosity and how it relates to different aspects of our lives. You will learn more about creative thinking. We will also discuss our future career goals! Let's start! 🙂
Your previous work did not give you satisfaction. You are curious about the world and very much want to achieve your career goal. However, you don't know quite how to do it. Your friends have advised you on creative thinking techniques to determine your short - term and long - term goals. You would like to do exactly that.
Step nr 1 – Curiosity as ingredient of education
Curiosity is the natural human tendency to seek out and explore new information, ideas, and experiences. It is the innate drive to ask questions, discover, and learn about the world around us.
In education, curiosity is a critical value that plays a significant role in promoting student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes.
Please, read the following texts and answer the questions below:
Text 1: https://www.unitedlisbon.school/curiosity-the-main-ingredient-of-education/
Text 2: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/why-curiosity-enhances-learning-marianne-stenger
Great! We can move on to the next step!
Step 2 - What are you curious about?
Now we know what curiosity is and have learned its value. Let's move on!
Please think about and list 5 topics that you are curious about in your life. Don't worry if you don't have all 5. We never know what will inspire us!:)
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please visit:
Step 3 – Creative thinking
Great! Let's move on to the next issue, which will allow us to open up to learning and developing our careers.
Let's talk about... creative thinking!
Please, find the definition of "creative thinking" on the Internet and post it below. Then, write how you understand the term "creative thinking "in your own words.
If you want to learn more about the topic click here:
Step 4 – Creative Thinking Exercises
How to develop creative thinking skills?
To answer the above question, watch this short video:
Please list 4 exercises that can be done to develop creative thinking. Which of the ways appeals to you the most?
In my view, best exercise is:
Well done! 🙂
Step 5 – My career goal
Let's think about our career goals. First, let's focus on what it is!
A career goal is a specific objective or target that you set for your professional development, usually for a defined period of time. It is a desired achievement or accomplishment that you want to reach within your career, such as earning a promotion, landing a new job, developing new skills, or starting your own business.
Depending on how much time you anticipate spending working toward your objective, career goals can be classified as short-term or long-term. In the end, reaching your intermediate and long-term professional objectives will help you get closer to your desired career path.
Andy’ career goal is: becoming a thought leader
Short-term goals: attending specialized training sessions, relevant classes, professional conferences, and growing a social media following.
Long-term goals: publishing papers, writing a book, speaking at conferences, and obtaining a professional credential or advanced degree.
My career goal is: ..............................................................................................................
If you want to find out more about the topic, please visit:
Step 6 - Determine your short- and long-term goals
Wonderful! You have already gone through so many steps!
Please, think about the short-term and long-term goals to the aforementioned career goal. It would be great if you could come up with 3 examples each. Remember that creative thinking can be a valuable asset in achieving both short and long-term goals, as it enables you to think outside the box, find new solutions and opportunities, adapt to change, and enhance your problem-solving skills. Try to use it! 🙂
My short- term goals:
My long – term goals:
Well done!
If you want to find out more about the topic, please visit:
Congratulations! By keeping up with the steps given, you have managed to increase your knowledge.
Individuals who cultivate their curiosity and use creative thinking are more likely to achieve their career goals. Being open to new ideas and perspectives allows for innovative thinking and problem-solving, which can help propel one's career forward. Additionally, staying curious and continually learning can provide new opportunities and avenues for growth.
Thank you for your work! 🙂
The topic of this WebQuest is creativity and curiosity. You will become familiar with the concepts of creativity and curiosity and understand their importance for work and personal life. In this WebQuest, we will pay attention to creative thinking, and you will improve your creative thinking skills. You will get to know specific techniques of creative thinking and try some of them use practically. You will focus on improving your career plan by using creative techniques.
In this WebQuest, you will have the opportunity to learn more about curiosity and how it relates to different aspects of our lives. You will learn more about creative thinking. We will also discuss our future career goals! Let's start! 🙂
The following 5 tasks await you in this WebQuest.
Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the concepts of creativity and curiosity.
Your next task is to focus your attention on creative thinking. Find out what creative thinking is and how to develop creative thinking skills.
The third task is to become familiar with specific techniques of creative thinking.
Your next task is to use some of the creative techniques to improve your career plan.
Your final task is to create a vision board of creative ideas to develop your work career quicker. You will list your career goals and creative ideas, which can help you reach these goals faster.
Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the concepts of creativity and curiosity.
You can work in a group of 3 people. Your first task is to discuss the following questions:
After answering the questions above, study the following resources to check how correct your answers were.
Source 1 – Article about what curiosity is.
Source 2 – Article: The Science of Curiosity
Source 3 – Article: 4 Reasons Why Curiosity Is Important and How to Develop It
Source 4 – Article about what creativity is.
Source 5 – Video: The Neuroscience of Creativity
Your next task is to focus your attention on creative thinking. Find out what creative thinking is and how to develop creative thinking skills.
Creative thinking skills allow people to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to problems. Explore the following resources to develop your creative thinking skills.
Source 1 - Animation about creative thinking
Source 2: Article about creative thinking
Source 3 – Video: Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas
Source 4 – Article: 30 Tips to Rejuvenate Your Creativity
The third task is to become familiar with specific techniques of creative thinking.
Creative thinking techniques are tools and methods used to stimulate and develop creative thinking. These techniques can be used to generate new ideas, solve problems, and overcome mental blocks that might limit a person's ability to think creatively. Here are some common creative thinking techniques:
These techniques can be used individually or in combination to help stimulate and develop creative thinking.
Source 1 – Video: Creative Thinking Methods
Your next task is to use some of the creative techniques to improve your career plan.
You can use the following different creative techniques to create a better career plan, such as:
Source 1 – Article: Personal SWOT Analysis
Source 2 – Video about Mind Mapping
Your final task is to create a vision board of creative ideas to develop your work career quicker. You will list your career goals and creative ideas, which can help you reach these goals faster.
A vision board is a visual representation of one's goals, aspirations, and desires. It typically consists of a collection of images, words, and phrases that represent the things a person wants to achieve or manifest in their life. The purpose of creating a vision board is to help a person clarify their goals and focus their energy and attention on achieving them. By creating a tangible representation of their aspirations, a person can better visualize their desired outcome, which can help them stay motivated and committed to taking action towards their goals.
A vision board can be created using a variety of materials, including magazines, newspapers, photos, drawings, and quotes. It can be made on a physical board, a digital platform, or in a journal. The key is to create a visual representation of what you want to achieve, so you can see it and feel it every day.
You probably have a long-term career goal. What would you like to achieve in your career in 10 years? In what job position would you like to work in 10 years, in what field, and for what salary? Before this WebQuest, you probably already had an idea of what tasks you need to complete and what activities you need to do in order to achieve this long-term career goal. And what if there are faster paths to that goal? Ask your creativity a simple question:
Choose one of the creative techniques we mentioned in this WebQuest and generate at least 4 creative ideas to accelerate your career path. Include these ideas on your vision board.
Aquí hay algunos enlaces sobre cómo crear un tablero de visión:
Source 1 – Article: How to create a vision board
Source 2 – Article: Here's How to Make a Vision Board for Manifestation
Source 3 – Article: How Vision Boards Work & How To Make A Powerful One For Yourself
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
You have just successfully completed this WebQuest on creativity and curiosity. If you have completed all the tasks, you can rightly consider yourself an expert on this topic because you now have much more knowledge about this topic than the average person in your country. You can explain the terms creativity and curiosity and their importance for work and personal life. You have improved your creative thinking skills and you know how to develop them further. You have explored specific creative thinking techniques and tried some of them in practice. You have a clear career plan that includes a long-term career goal and a path to achieving it. You have learned how to use a vision board.
Congratulations, your knowledge of creativity and curiosity is excellent now!
La mentalidad abierta no se trata sólo de tolerancia y respeto por los demás. La mentalidad abierta también puede desempeñar un papel importante en el futuro desarrollo profesional. Aprovechar las oportunidades a medida que surgen, así como tener la mente abierta sobre nuevas oportunidades y desarrollos a medida que ocurren, es una de las mejores y más creativas maneras de desarrollar su carrera para que sea satisfactoria. El objetivo de esta WebQuest es aumentar su comprensión de la importancia de la curiosidad y la creatividad en una carrera y al planificar el futuro.
In this WebQuest, you will have the opportunity to learn more about curiosity and how it relates to different aspects of our lives. You will learn more about creative thinking. We will also discuss our future career goals! Let's start! 🙂
Para esta WebQuest, trabaje en grupos de 3. Para comenzar, investigará un poco sobre el impacto que la creatividad y la curiosidad tienen en la progresión profesional.
Luego, tendrá una discusión grupal sobre qué habilidades, conocimientos e intereses ya tiene para progresar en su carrera profesional.
Luego, comenzará a explorar diferentes trayectorias profesionales comparando sus habilidades, intereses y conocimientos con diferentes carreras y trabajos disponibles.
Una vez que haya completado eso, completará una prueba de habilidades y capacidades para evaluar sus fortalezas y debilidades actuales.
A continuación, realizarán una lluvia de ideas en grupo sobre las diferentes barreras que podrían estar presentes para impedir que alguien aproveche posibles oportunidades profesionales.
Finalmente, crearás un tablero de visión profesional donde expondrás las diferentes habilidades en las que deseas trabajar, las razones por las que debes tener la mente abierta sobre las oportunidades profesionales y ser creativo y curioso mientras trabajas.
Paso 1: ¡Creatividad y curiosidad!
El primer paso es realizar un poco de investigación. ¡Necesita obtener información sobre cómo la creatividad y la curiosidad pueden tener un impacto en la planificación para el futuro!
Aquí hay algunos enlaces para comenzar:
¿Puede encontrar otras habilidades o actitudes que puedan tener un impacto en el avance profesional?
Paso 2: la carrera de mis sueños
Ahora que ha investigado un poco, es hora de conversar. Pensando en sus propias experiencias, considere los diferentes conocimientos y habilidades que podría aportar a las oportunidades profesionales:
Después de la discusión grupal, tómate el tiempo para ver si los otros miembros de tu grupo tienen alguna sugerencia sobre oportunidades o carreras que podrían adaptarse a ti en función de lo que hablaste.
Paso 3: Explorando la jungla profesional
Una vez que la discusión grupal haya terminado, ¡es hora de comenzar su viaje de exploración profesional!
¡Investigue un poco sobre trabajos o carreras que puedan adaptarse a sus necesidades en función de sus habilidades, intereses y conocimientos!
Aquí hay algunos enlaces útiles para comenzar:
¡Recuerde mantener la mente abierta sobre los resultados de su búsqueda! Elija dos o tres de las carreras profesionales que le interesen y considere lo que cada una requeriría para progresar hasta ese punto.
Paso 4: cultivar la creatividad y la curiosidad
Ahora que ha elegido 2 o 3 posibles carreras profesionales, ¡es hora de evaluar su desempeño actual!
Para evaluar sus habilidades y capacidades actuales, realice un cuestionario de evaluación de habilidades para identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades: https://www.123test.com/competency-test/
¿Puedes encontrar alguna información sobre cómo mejorarías estas habilidades?
Paso 5: Tener la mente abierta ante las oportunidades
Con los nuevos conocimientos que tienes sobre las oportunidades profesionales y el impacto de la creatividad y la curiosidad en la búsqueda de empleo, ¡es hora de hacer una lluvia de ideas!
Considere las 2 o 3 trayectorias profesionales que seleccionó en la Tarea 3 y piense: ¿Qué habilidades necesito para llegar allí?
Al elegir una de las trayectorias profesionales en particular, considere las diferentes habilidades, actitudes, conocimientos e intereses que lo motivarían a ingresar a ese trabajo. Anótalos para más tarde.
A veces, la parte más difícil del desarrollo profesional es aprovechar las oportunidades que se nos brindan. En su grupo, realice una lluvia de ideas sobre los diferentes valores o apegos que podrían afectar la capacidad de alguien para aprovechar las oportunidades a medida que se presenten.
Una vez finalizada la lluvia de ideas, discutan en grupo las formas en que la creatividad y la curiosidad en su trabajo pueden ayudar a superar estas barreras.
Paso 6: Mi tablero de visión profesional
¡Ahora es el momento de poner a trabajar toda su investigación y planificación! Utilizando los materiales y la información que recopiló en los pasos 1 a 5, comience a armar su tablero de planificación profesional usando Canva.
Es importante que realice un seguimiento del desarrollo de pasos importantes, como el desarrollo de habilidades y el desarrollo personal.
Aquí hay algunos enlaces sobre cómo crear un tablero de visión:
¡Felicidades!ya ha completado esta WebQuest sobre la mentalidad abierta en el empleo! Aprendiste sobre el impacto que la creatividad y la curiosidad pueden tener en tu capacidad para progresar en el trabajo. También exploró algunas trayectorias profesionales y evaluó sus habilidades para descubrir sus fortalezas y debilidades en lo que respecta a la progresión profesional. Usted eligió un camino profesional definitivo para evaluar y creó un tablero de visión sobre las habilidades, conocimientos, intereses y actitudes que necesitaría cultivar para seguir este camino. Ahora que ha completado esta WebQuest, está equipado con la actitud de mente abierta adecuada para participar en un lugar de trabajo abierto y creativo.
What is a WebQuest? By conducting research activities on the internet and combining these with additional activities, you will become familiar with new things concerning a specific topic. This allows you to expand your knowledge and create new skills for you.
In the introductory WebQuest you learnt about the difference meaning between “values”, “beliefs” and “customs”. Furthermore, about the importance of diversity in the workplace and the dangers of cultural intolerance. You also found strategies to raise awareness of diversity.
In this advanced WebQuest you will learn how to explore topics inquisitively and about the value of curiosity. You will also gain creative thinking techniques and a practical knowledge of how to learn from failure and experience. Last but not least you will gain practical knowledge of applying vision to developing career plans.
En esta WebQuest trabajarán de a tres.
Task 1:
Your first step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to discuss the value of curiosity and the love of learning for personal and career development.
Task 2:
Your second step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to identify topics that provoke your curiosity.
Task 3:
Your third step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to conduct research into curiosity topics and reflect on the learning experience.
Task 4:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to design your “dream career” and to identify the skills and training required for it.
Task 5:
Your fifth step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to practice creative thinking techniques and develop a career plan.
Task 6:
Your sixth and last step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to reflect on experiences and failures from your past to reframe this experience by using creative writing techniques.
Have fun!
Task 1:
Your first step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to discuss the value of curiosity and the love of learning for personal and career development.
But what is curiosity? Read through the articles and find out:
Now that you know more about curiosity, it is time to think about the value of curiosity and the love of learning for personal and career development.
Read through the articles and watch a TED talk about the value of curiosity.
https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/4-reasons-why-curiosity-is-important-and-how-to-develop-it.html https://www.ted.com/talks/darrick_wood_what_is_the_value_of_curiosity
What value has curiosity for you?
Why should you keep a love of learning for personal and career development?
How can curiosity help you with your personal and career development?
Think about these questions and discuss with your peer group.
Task 2:
Your second step is to identify topics that provoke your curiosity.
What curiosity type are you? Read through the different types, take the test and discuss the outcome with your peers:
There are many things you can do to provoke your curiosity. Here are some examples:
When finished reading, try out at least two ways to spark your curiosity.
Then write down a list of topics, at least 5, that provoke your curiosity.
Share and compare with your peers.
Task 3:
For becoming an expert on, your third step is to conduct research into curiosity topics and reflect on the learning experience.
Use your local library or search engines such as:
Was your learning experience enjoyable?
Did you learn something new?
Will you keep on reading and learning about the topics of your choice?
If yes, why? And if no, why not?
Does your curiosity feel satisfied, or do you want to learn more?
Did you find new or different topics during your learning experience?
Task 4:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to design your “dream career” and to identify the skills and training required for it.
In task 2 you were asked to find 5 topics that spark your curiosity. In task 3 you explored those topics. Now choose one of your five topics you are curios about and try to find a career from it.
Find your “dream career”.
If you struggle to find your “dream career”, here are some tips to find out what career you want. Watch the video and read through the article:
Design your “dream career”
Read through the articles to gain tips on how to design your “dream career” and answer the questions bellow.
Create a poster for your “dream career” including your five topics you are curious about and link them to your “dream career”. How do these topics relate to your “dream career”? What skills do you already bring with you to your career choice, and on which do you need more training? Can your skills, topics and career go together?
Share your poster to your friends and family and ask them for their opinions on it.
Task 5:
On your fifth step you will practice creative thinking techniques and develop a career plan.
Creative thinking is a way to look at things differently. This could mean that creative thinking offers you a creative solution to a problem or helps you finding a path that is just right for you.
Learn more about creative thinking by watching the videos:
Improve creative thinking:
“Everybody is creative”, said Tony Buzan a leading expert on the brain and learning and inventor of the mind mapping technique. But you might feel that others are more creative than you. Well, you can easily train your brain into more creative thinking by trying these exercises:
Creative thinking techniques:
Try at least 3 creative thinking techniques. After that, take your “dream career”-poster and develop a career plan.
Start with your career goal.
What is your career goal? How can achieve it? What are the next steps?
Come up with a creative career plan and share it with your peers.
Task 6:
Your sixth and last step for becoming an expert on open-mindedness is to reflect on experiences and failures from your past to reframe this experience by using creative writing techniques.
Before you start with creative writing, take a moment to reflect on your experience of developing a career plan through creative means.
How easy was it for you to come up with a career goal, a “dream career” and the plan itself?
How do you feel now, with your plan?
How likely are you going to follow your plan?
Write it all down.
When following a new path it is important to take a short look back and to think about: “how did I got here”?
Especially the situations that didn’t go as planned, or failures are really good teachers.
Reflect on a failure from your past.
To reframe and learn from this experience you can use creative writing techniques.
Learn more about creative writing from these articles:
Use one of these creative writing techniques and reflect on your failure from the past. By doing so you reframe your experience and can use this learning outcome to help you following your new path.
Read the story to your peers and listen to their stories.
That’s it! Well done.
Temas | Level | Conocimiento | Habilidades | Actitudes |
Open-Mindedness | Advanced:
Conocimiento práctico de la aplicación de la visión para desarrollar planes de carrera. |
Reflect on a failure from one’s past, and use creative writing to re-frame this experience |
Willingness to be curios, even just for a short time |
Very well done! You now know what curiosity means and why it has such big value for your personal and professional life. You also learned how to find your “dream career”, your career goal and how to develop a career plan. Furthermore, you gained creative thinking techniques and learnt more about creative writing. Finally, you were facing your failures and reframed this experience with creative writing. Now you can call yourself a true expert on open-mindedness.
Fomentar la curiosidad en el entorno laboral puede conducir a una mayor innovación, un aprendizaje continuo, una mejor resolución de problemas, una colaboración eficaz y una mayor motivación y compromiso de los empleados. Por tanto, es importante que las empresas fomenten la curiosidad.
Comenzaremos la sesión con contenidos teóricos sobre por qué es importante fomentar la creatividad en el lugar de trabajo. También sobre las diferentes formas de creatividad que existen. Posteriormente aplicaremos de forma práctica algunas
Comenzaremos la sesión explicando al grupo los 5 tipos de curiosidad que existen según un
estudio liderado por Todd Kashdan, profesor de la Universidad George Mason (Virginia, EE.UU.):
• Exploración alegre.Esta es la clásica persona curiosa, que siente alegría y diversión al
aprender cosas nuevas, desde las más mundanas hasta las más complejas.
• Necesidad curiosidad.Se diferencia del anterior porque la necesidad de saber -la
curiosidad- genera ansiedad o tensión.
• Tolerancia al estrés.Aparece cuando se acepta la ansiedad en casos similares a los
anteriores, pero que generan cambios. Este tipo de curiosidad reduce la resistencia
a la novedad y nos permite preguntarnos cómo será la situación después.
• Curiosidad social.Este es el tipo de “chisme” más típico, aunque no siempre es así: es
querer saber por qué las personas actúan de una forma u otra o qué piensan por un
sentimiento de empatía.
• Búsqueda de emoción.Es correr riesgos por nuevas experiencias. Lanzarse en paracaídas, reservar un
vuelo en el último momento o emprender una aventura inesperada son otros ejemplos.
Hay diferentes formas de fomentar la curiosidad en el lugar de trabajo. Los exhibiremos en una tabla de paddle y daremos a los participantes la oportunidad de expresar cuáles de estas formas ya se están aplicando en su grupo:
1. Celebre las preguntas: anime a los empleados a hacer preguntas sobre la empresa, los
procesos, los productos y los servicios, y demuestre que las preguntas son bienvenidas y
2. Promover el aprendizaje continuo: Brindar oportunidades de capacitación y desarrollo para que los
empleados desarrollen aún más sus habilidades y conocimientos.
3. Fomente la experimentación: permita que los empleados prueben cosas nuevas y experimenten con
diferentes formas de hacer las cosas.
4. Crear un ambiente seguro: Es importante crear un ambiente seguro donde los
empleados puedan expresar su curiosidad sin temor a cometer errores o ser
5. Reconocer y recompensar la curiosidad: esto puede incluir reconocer a los empleados que hacen
preguntas importantes, implementan nuevas soluciones y enfoques y buscan mejorar
Después de analizar las reflexiones de los participantes, pasaremos a la siguiente parte de la sesión. A continuación pondremos en práctica diferentes técnicas que podemos utilizar en nuestro día a día para fomentar la creatividad en el equipo.
Lluvia de ideas: Esta es una técnica común para fomentar la creatividad. Puedes organizar una
sesión de lluvia de ideas para que tu equipo genere ideas para resolver un problema específico o
crear algún material.
Lo pondremos en práctica dándole al grupo un objetivo en el que trabajar y generar ideas, aquí hay algunos ejemplos de situaciones:
• Mejorar o crear un material didáctico.
• Encontrar posibles soluciones a un problema de comunicación en el equipo.
• Identificar las necesidades de formación en el equipo.
El juego de cinco palabras Este ejercicio implica seleccionar cinco palabras al azar y pedir a cada miembro del equipo que piense en una idea o solución que involucre esas cinco palabras. Puede utilizar esto como ejercicio de calentamiento para fomentar la creatividad antes de una reunión o sesión de trabajo.
Historias de usuarios: Esta dinámica consiste en crear una historia de usuario ficticia que representa a un usuario o cliente específico. Luego, debes pedirle a tu equipo que genere ideas y soluciones que aborden las necesidades de este usuario específico. Al centrarse en las necesidades de un usuario real, su equipo puede fomentar la creatividad y generar ideas innovadoras.
Escritura de ideas: En este ejercicio, cada miembro del equipo escribe sus ideas en una hoja de papel y luego se la pasa a otro miembro del equipo para que agregue sus propias ideas. Esta técnica puede fomentar la creatividad al permitir que todos los miembros del equipo generen ideas sin ser influenciados por otros.
Cerraremos la sesión con un vídeo explicando cómo fomentar la creatividad en el lugar de trabajo y resolveremos cualquier duda que puedan tener.
Fomentar la creatividad en el trabajo es fundamental para la sostenibilidad y el éxito de las empresas, ya que ayuda a encontrar soluciones innovadoras a los desafíos empresariales, mantener la competitividad en el mercado, generar un ambiente de trabajo más positivo y estimulante, fomentar el desarrollo de valiosas habilidades empresariales, fomentar el trabajo en equipo. y colaboración, y atraer talento creativo e innovador. Además, la creatividad también contribuye a desarrollar nuevos productos o servicios y a resolver problemas de forma más eficaz, lo que se traduce en beneficios para la empresa y sus empleados.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number : 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065089