There are four tasks waiting for you in the WebQuest. Let's look at them.
Your first task is to understand the importance of communication in the workplace and the work team.
Your next task is to explore the 4 main communication styles you are likely to encounter in the workplace. You will also learn how to communicate more assertively.
Your third task is to improve the skills required for public speaking.
Your final task is to prepare a short public speech and record your performance on your mobile phone in the form of a short video
Your first task is to understand the importance of communication in the workplace and the work team.
Study the following information sources that contain all knowledge you need to fulfil this task.
Source 1 – Article: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication
Source 2 – Article: Communication is key in the workplace
Source 3 – Article: The Power of Good Communication in the Workplace
Source 4 – Article: 14 Quick Tips For Effective Communication In The Workplace
Your next task is to explore the 4 main communication styles you are likely to encounter in the workplace. You will also learn how to communicate more assertively.
Conflicts in the workplace are often caused by poor communication between people. The following are some specific situations where poor communication can lead to problems and conflicts:
Poor communication in the workplace can lead to an unproductive work environment, disrupted relationships between people, and ultimately lower productivity and profit for the company. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to communication and ensure that it is effective and clear.
Source 1: Article: Understanding The 4 Communication Styles In The Workplace
Source 2: Article: 4 Types of Communication Styles and How To Improve Yours
Source 3: Video: 5 Tips to Make Assertive Communication Easier and More Effective
Your third task is to improve the skills required for public speaking.
Most people are forced to speak in public from time to time, or to speak to a large number of their colleagues at meetings or conferences, etc. Public speaking is a specific discipline and people often feel apprehensive about it. There are several reasons why people may experience anxiety or nervousness about public speaking:
It's important to remember that public speaking anxiety is common and normal, and many people experience it to some degree. However, with practice, preparation, and support, most people can learn to manage their anxiety and become more confident and effective public speakers.
Source 1: Video: Public Speaking For Beginners
Source 2: Video: Public Speaking Anxiety Tips
Source 3: Article: Important Public Speaking Skills for Workplace Success
Your final task is to prepare a short public speech and record your performance on your mobile phone in the form of a short video.
You will work in a group of 3 to 5 people. Imagine having 3 minutes on TV to tell people your opinion or idea. Your task is to prepare a three-minute public speech for television. Choose any topic you want. Prepare a well-structured text, train your speech, and then perform it. Record the performance on your mobile phone and evaluate its pros and cons together with other people in your group.
Source 1: Video about speech structure
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
You have just successfully completed this WebQuest on communication skills in the workplace. If you have completed all the tasks, you can rightly consider yourself an expert on this topic because you now have much more knowledge about this topic than the average person in your country. You already know why communication skills are important for success in the workplace. You know the 4 communication styles that people encounter in the workplace. You have improved your ability to communicate assertively. You have learned how to prepare and do public speaking properly. And on top of that, you practically tried how to prepare and perform a short public speech.
The following tasks will guide you through this topic:
Task 1: What does communication mean?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the basic features of communication is to find out a little bit about the word “communication” and how it might work in the workplace or classroom.
Task 2: What does communication mean to you?
Your second step for becoming an expert on the basic features of communication is to think what communication means to you and the people you are working with in a small group.
Task 3: Become an expert!
Your third step for becoming an expert on the basic features of communication is to be aware what can go wrong when two people communicate with each other. The questions for the funny video invite you to analyse the content.
Task 4: Reflection.
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the basic features of communication is to reflect own situations, where communication should have worked out differently. Discuss these situations with your colleagues in class, etc.
Have fun!
Task 1: What does communication mean?
Your first step in this WebQuest is to find out about the word “communication” and how it might work in the workplace or classroom.
The links found below provide you with some important information about “communication”, its elements and how it works:
A definition of communication:
Meaning of communication:
What is communication?
Benefits of effective communication in the workplace:
Can you come up with more information on “communication”?
Task 2: What does communication mean to you?
Again, work in groups of two to three people. Talk to each other what communication means to you and what the most important aspects (maximum four per person) of your research were. What exactly was new to you, personally? Please, take notes to summarise your thoughts in the group.
Task 3: Become an expert!
Another group task, ideally for two to three people. The following link will show you a video where it is obvious that there are some issues with communication:
After watching the video try to answer the question below:
Task 4: Reflection.
Can you think of one or two situations where you had wished that communication would have turned into a different direction? Talk about the following questions in a bigger group/in class/in the plenum:
1.What situation was it?
2.What happened?
3.How would you solve the situation in a different way now?
Topics | Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes
Engaging with others |
You have almost completed this WebQuest. Let’s give it a try and answer the following questions to confirm how much additional knowledge you have gained:
Very well done! You now know the importance of communication for a good teamwork and understand the basic features of communication. You also know why these are important for social skills. Moreover, you know how to observe different forms of communication and why they can cause misunderstanding. Finally, you have gained very good skills in managing your own communication style and review different situations.
The following 5 tasks await you in this WebQuest.
Your first task is to learn more about negotiation and negotiation skills.
The second task is to define your negotiation style.
The next task will be to improve your negotiation skills.
The fourth task is to test your negotiation skills practically in the form of role playing and simulating a real situation.
The final task is to explore and improve assertive communication.
Your first task is to learn more about negotiation and negotiation skills.
You can work in a group of 3 people. Your first task is to discuss the following questions:
Study the following resources to learn more about negotiation.
Source 1 – Article about what negotiation is
Source 2 – Article about stages of negotiation
Source 3 – Video about negotiation
The second task is to define your negotiation style.
Negotiating style refers to the way individuals or groups of people approach the negotiation process. It is the approach that people use to secure their interests and achieve goals within a conversation with other parties.
There are different types of negotiating styles, such as:
Source 1 - Animation about negotiation styles
Source 2 – Video about 5 negotiation styles
Source 3: Video that helps you identify the negotiation style you use most often
Now please discuss the following questions in a group:
The next task will be to improve your negotiation skills.
Developing negotiating skills is important for many reasons. The following are some of the reasons why it is good to develop these skills:
Overall, developing negotiating skills can have many benefits and can help individuals and groups achieve their goals and resolve conflicts in a more effective manner.
Source 1: Article: Negotiation Skills - Definitions, Benefits And Examples
Source 2: Article: 7 Negotiation Skills You Need to Succeed
Source 3: Video: How to Improve Negotiation Skills & Win Negotiations
Source 4: Article: How to Improve Negotiation Skills in the Workplace
The fourth task is to test your negotiation skills practically in the form of role playing and simulating a real situation.
Activity: Distribution of fruit among group members
You will work in a group of 3 to 5 people. The larger the group, the more difficult it is to find a compromise. Sit at the table and place a bowl of fruit on the table. A bowl can contain, for example, 5 types of fruit, while some fruit can be 1 piece and some 2 pieces. The total number of pieces of fruit should be approximately twice the number of members of the group.
Your task is to agree on how the fruit will be divided so that all members of the group agree to this division. Once you have reached some compromise, you must say this way of dividing the fruit out loud, and each member must say out loud that they agree to this way of dividing the fruit. If anyone disagrees, you must proceed. Until the solution is agreed upon by all group members. Your agreement can be anything. You can even cut up some fruit or throw it away or give it to someone outside the group.
Then you divide the fruit according to the agreement, and each member takes and eats his share of the fruit that he agreed upon.
Afterwards, you can eat the fruit and discuss how the negotiation went.
The final task is to explore and improve assertive communication.
Assertive communication is a communication style that allows individuals to express their opinions, wishes, and needs in a clear and direct manner while respecting and considering the other person. An assertive individual recognizes that they have the right to their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions and has the ability to express them without violating the rights of others.
Assertive communication can be beneficial for several reasons:
Overall, assertive communication can help improve communication and relationships with others, reduce stress, and increase self-confidence and respect for oneself and others.
Source 1 – Video: Assertiveness - What are Passive, Aggressive & Assertive Behavior?
Source 2 – Video: How to Communicate Assertively 4 Tips
Source 3 – Article: Assertive Communication - Definition, Examples, and Tips
Source 4 – Article: Learn Assertive Communication In 5 Simple Steps
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
You have just successfully completed this WebQuest on negotiation skills and assertive communication. If you have completed all the tasks, you can rightly consider yourself an expert on this topic because you now have much more knowledge about this topic than the average person in your country. You can already define the terms negotiation, negotiation skills and assertive communication. You can list and explain 5 negotiation styles. You have improved your negotiation skills and know how to improve them further. You've tested your negotiation skills in the role-playing situation. You understand assertive communication and can communicate assertively to defend your interests and needs.
Congratulations, your knowledge of negotiation skills and assertive communication is excellent now!
What is a WebQuest? By conducting research activities on the internet and combining these with additional activities, you will become familiar with new things concerning a specific topic. This allows you to expand your knowledge and create new skills for you.
In the introductory WebQuest you learnt about the basic features of communication. In this advanced WebQuest you will get familiar with the three models of communication. You will understand how these models are structured and how they work. You will learn how to implement the models and the techniques and how to apply them to different settings. Also, you will complete some exercises allowing you expand your knowledge even further.
The following tasks will guide you through this topic:
Task 1: What types of communication are there?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to find out about the how the models work.
Task 2: Communication Situations:
Your second step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to think and discuss what daily situations can be applied to which communication model. This task is performed in a small group setting, ideally with three people per group.
Task 3: Deep Diving:
Your third step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is an interactive online exercise. Now that you have already gained more knowledge about the different models of communication, why not dive in deeper?
Task 4: Self-Test:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to do some self-tests and quizzes to see how much additional knowledge you have right now. This task can be performed alone or in pairs.
Task 5: Engage in Role-Plays:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to perform a role-play. You will select two communication models and perform a one-to-two-minutes play in front of the group.
Task 6: Create your own Storyboard:
Your fourth and last step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to create a Storyboard comic. This offers you the opportunity to prove yourself how much you have learnt and how much you have extended your knowledge on this advanced WebQuest topic.
Have fun!
Task 1: What types of communication are there?
Your first step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to find out about the how the models work.
The links found below provide you with some important information about “the three models of communication” and how they work:
Three communication models:,they%20contain%20some%20common%20elements.
The models of communication:
The models shortly and easily explained in a video:
Task 2: Communication Situations:
Get together in small groups (ideally 3 people) and get yourself some pen and paper for taking notes. Now, think and discuss about the following questions and give some examples:
Task 3: Deep Diving:
Now that you have already gained more knowledge about the different models of communication, why not dive in deeper?
Go to the first chapter of “Understanding Human Communication” and read through it. You will realise that you already do know a lot of the information presented there:
Now, get together in pairs and make yourself comfortable in front of the computer screen. In the following part of “Understanding Human Communication” you will be presented with some flashcards. You will have to explain the terms you see. Curious how many of them you can explain? Let’s give it a try!
Task 4: Self-Test:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to do some self-tests and quizzes to see how much additional knowledge you have right now. This task can be performed alone or in pairs.
Click on the following links of “Understanding human Communication”; you are invited to do all the exercises below:
Multiple Choice Quiz:
True/False Quiz:
Task 5: Engage in Role-Plays:
Your fourth step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to perform a role-play. You will select two communication models and perform a one-to-two-minutes play in front of the group. To make it easy think about daily-life situations. After having completed the role-play, ask your colleagues what they have observed. Be prepared to answer possible open questions.
Task 6: Create your own Storyboard:
Your fourth and last step for becoming an expert on the three models of communication is to create a Storyboard comic. This offers you the opportunity to prove yourself how much you have learnt and how much you have extended your knowledge on this advanced WebQuest topic. Work in pairs, again. Be sure to include everything you know about linear, interactive and transactional communication.
Below you will find an example of a Storyboard:
This link supports you in creating your own Storyboard comic:
Topics | Level | Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes
| Advanced:
Very well done! You now know the differences between the three communication models and in what situations you encounter them daily. You also know how they influence situations between people when it comes to social skills. Moreover, you have gained very good skills in managing your own communication style and adapt it to different situations.
Finally, you know how to do a Storyboard comic. Now you can call yourself a true expert on the three communication models.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number : 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065089