Niedawno Twoja przyjaciółka Anya rozpoczęła pracę w tej samej firmie co Ty i Twoi znajomi! Anya nigdy wcześniej nie pracowała zawodowo i uważa, że jej nowa praca jest bardzo trudna, ponieważ ma tak wiele zadań do wykonania zarówno codziennie, jak i co tydzień. Nie ma motywacji do wykonywania swoich zadań na czas, ponieważ trudno jej skoncentrować się na zadaniach, które uważa za naprawdę nudne.
Anya zwróciła się do ciebie i twoich przyjaciół z prośbą o radę, jak może poprawić swoje wyniki i zwiększyć motywację. Wie, że wszyscy jesteście w firmie dłużej niż ona i wszyscy oddajecie swoją pracę na czas, mimo że uważacie ją za nudną!
Jesteś zaskoczony, gdy dowiadujesz się, że Anya ma trudności z motywowaniem się, ponieważ nigdy nie miałeś trudności z motywowaniem się do ukończenia pracy. Postanawiasz poszukać informacji na temat motywacji, a także sposobów ustalania priorytetów zadań, aby pomóc Anyi. Wszyscy uwielbiacie pracować ze swoją przyjaciółką i nie chcecie widzieć jej zmagań.
In this WebQuest, you will work in small groups of 3. You will start your activity by researching how motivation can have an impact on task performance, as well as the different types of motivation.
Afterwards, you will have a discussion about how motivation has an impact when you're performing tasks as well as brainstorm some ways to stay motivated when working.
Next you will carry out some research on tools and planning techniques you can use to divvy up tasks and help keep you motivated during the day.
Next you will make an example priority matrix for motivation using your daily and weekly tasks from your everyday life. This matrix will be used as an example for Anya!
Finally, you will create your poster to put up in your office about motivation during work using digital tools.
Step 1: Understanding Motivation
To start off, we need to understand how motivation works and how it can have an impact on your ability to work and complete tasks on time. There are different types of motivation which each have a different impact on our ability to complete tasks on time and to the best of our ability.
Carry out some research about motivation and its impact on task performance. Here are some articles to get you started: <br>
Step 2: Keeping Motivated When Working
When you have finished your research, it’s time to look at the factors that can affect your motivation to complete tasks. As a group, have a discussion about how you are motivated when working. Using the questions below, consider motivation and its impact on you.
Once you have completed your discussion, it’s time to brainstorm! As a group, brainstorm some ways that a person can stay motivated when working. Use the internet to find some ways that companies or businesses promote employees to stay motivated, and try to come up with a few of your own.
Here are some links to get you started:
Step 3: Using Tools to Stay Motivated
One of the best ways to keep motivated at work and keep on top of all the tasks you have to complete daily, weekly, and monthly, is to plan them out. Take some time as a group to research the different tools and planning techniques that you can use to stay on top of your tasks.
Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Step 4: Putting It All Together
Putting your work together, you are going to produce an example priority matrix for the tasks that you have to do daily, weekly, and monthly. Try and divide up the tasks based on your motivation levels for completing them. Because this is a mock priority matrix, try to use tasks that you have to complete at home or in your personal life.
Here’s a template that you can use:
Step 5: Creation Time
Putting all of your work together, begin to create your poster using Canva or Jamboard. Take your time and try to make your poster as creative as possible. Try to include all of the following:
Here are some links to some platforms you can use to create your digital poster:
Learning Outcomes Matrix
Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes
At the end of this WebQuest, the teacher/tutor can use these self-reflection questions to find out how the students felt about this activity:
Czym dokładnie jest WebQuest? WebQuest to aktywność badawcza, która pozwala nauczyć się nowych interesujących umiejętności i wiedzy. Na początku każdego WebQuestu otrzymasz kilka zadań i spróbujesz je wykonać jak prawdziwy naukowiec. Będziesz przeszukiwać Internet, gdzie stopniowo znajdziesz wszystkie informacje, które pomogą Ci wykonać zadania naukowe. Każdy WebQuest ma inne zadania i inny temat.
Tematem tego WebQuestu jest motywacja wewnętrzna i zewnętrzna. To właśnie motywacja jest magią, która pomaga ludziom osiągać cele i osiągać wyjątkowe wyniki w pracy lub gdziekolwiek indziej. WebQuest sprawi, że staniesz się ekspertem w dziedzinie motywacji. Zrozumiesz kwestię motywacji i będziesz w stanie dyskutować na ten temat z innymi. Co więcej, będziesz w stanie doradzać innym ludziom w radzeniu sobie z prokrastynacją lub obniżoną wydajnością. Nauczysz się również korzystać z narzędzia o nazwie Matryca Priorytetów.
Wyobraź sobie, że jeden z twoich przyjaciół zwrócił się do ciebie, nazwijmy go na przykład David. David kochał szachy od najmłodszych lat i chciał zostać mistrzem szachowym. Codziennie trenował, uczył się nowych taktyk i strategii oraz grał w turniejach. Na początku wszystko szło mu dobrze, ale stopniowo zaczął przegrywać, a jego wyniki pogarszały się. Nie był przyzwyczajony do porażek i niepowodzeń, ponieważ do tej pory tylko się poprawiał. Nagle zaczął wątpić w siebie i swoje szachowe plany. Przyszedł do ciebie z prośbą o radę, co zrobić w tej sytuacji.
There are four tasks waiting for you in this WebQuest. Let's look at them.
Your first task will be to explore why motivation is so important to humans and what intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is.
Your second task will be to understand the effect of motivation on task completion and work performance. You will also see how to stay motivated in an activity for a long time. As part of this task, you will also try to help our chess player David.
The third task will be to familiarize yourself with Priority Matrix - the tool you can use to organize your daily tasks.
Your final task will be to investigate various task management software that can help you be more efficient and organize your daily tasks better.
Your first task will be to explore why motivation is so important to humans and what intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is.
Study the following information sources that contain all knowledge you need to fulfil this task.
Source 1 - Video about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
Source 2 - Article about motivation: How to get started and staying motivated
Source 3 - Article about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Your second task will be to understand the effect of motivation on task completion and work performance. You will also see how to stay motivated in an activity for a long time. As part of this task, you will also try to help our chess player David.
Source 1: Video about how to stay motivated
Source 2: Article about 7 ways to motivate yourself to work hard when you’re really not in the mood
Source 3: Video about the psychology of self-motivation
Now you know a lot about motivation. You probably already know enough to try to help our chess player David. Suggest at least 4 questions David should ask himself to clarify his situation in his chess career. Looks like he's at an important crossroads. What questions should he answer to make the right decision in this situation?
The third task will be to familiarize yourself with Priority Matrix - the tool you can use to organize your daily tasks.
Priority Matrix is a tool for task and project management that helps to organize tasks based on their importance and urgency. It is a mathematical matrix that arranges tasks into four quadrants based on their priority and urgency:
Quadrant 1: Important and urgent tasks - these tasks need to be done as soon as possible and are a priority.
Quadrant 2: Important but not urgent tasks - these tasks are important but may not need to be done immediately. It is advisable to plan them for the future.
Quadrant 3: Non-important tasks - these tasks are not important nor urgent. We should try to minimize the time we spend on them.
Quadrant 4: Urgent but not important tasks - these tasks are urgent but not very important. We should try to delegate them or minimize their time-consuming.
The Priority Matrix is a useful tool for organizing tasks and helps people better plan their time and increase productivity. It can be used for both personal and professional purposes.
Source 1: Video about how a simple matrix can fix your procrastination issues
Source 2: Article about Priority matrix
Source 3: Template of Priority Matrix
Try using the Priority Matrix practically. Make a list of tasks that await you tomorrow. Use the Priority Matrix for these tasks. Use the template mentioned in the link above.
Your final task will be to investigate various task management software that can help you be more efficient and organize your daily tasks better.
Source 1: Article about 20 best (and free) task management software to help you at work
Source 2: Video - What's Todoist?
Source 3: Video - What is ClickUp?
Please answer the following questions:
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
Właśnie pomyślnie ukończyłeś ten WebQuest na temat motywacji wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej. Jeśli ukończyłeś wszystkie zadania, możesz słusznie uważać się za eksperta w tym temacie, ponieważ masz teraz znacznie większą wiedzę na ten temat niż przeciętna osoba w Twoim kraju. Rozumiesz kwestię motywacji i możesz dyskutować na ten temat z innymi. Możesz także doradzać innym ludziom, jak radzić sobie z prokrastynacją, obciążeniem pracą lub zarządzaniem codziennymi zadaniami. Rozumiesz różnicę między motywacją wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną. Znasz kilka narzędzi, które pomagają ludziom w zarządzaniu zadaniami. Co więcej, wypróbowałeś, jak działa Priority Matrix w praktyce.
Gratulacje, twoja wiedza na temat motywacji wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej jest teraz doskonała!
The topic of this WebQuest is career goals. This WebQuest will help you clarify your career path and set a long-term career goal. You will learn to plan goals, to formulate them correctly, but also to divide a long-term goal into milestones - short-term goals. Anyone who wants to go somewhere must know where they are going. If you want to have a successful career, you should master career planning.
The following 6 tasks await you in this WebQuest.
Your first task in this WebQuest is to clarify your career direction.
Your second task is to set a specific long-term career goal. It should be a goal you want to achieve within 5 to 10 years.
Your next task is to learn how to set short-term goals.
Your next task is to learn how to correctly formulate goals with the SMART method.
Your fifth task is to set short-term goals - milestones that will lead you to achieve your long-term goal.
Your final task is to create a presentation that will include your plan to achieve your career goal.
Your first task in this WebQuest is to clarify your career direction.
You can work in a group of 3 to 5 people. Your first task is to watch the two below videos and then answer the questions below and briefly discuss the answers. The aim of this activity is to clarify your current ideas about the direction of your career. Try to answer the following questions:
It's often great to watch a video before the discussion to help get the discussion started. Try watching the following two videos before the discussion.
Source 1 – Video on how to find your passion
Source 2 – Video about choosing the right career path in 7 simple steps
Your second task is to set a specific long-term career goal. It should be a goal you want to achieve within 5 to 10 years.
It is not easy to choose the right long-term goal for such a long period. If you choose the wrong goal, you may find that in a year or two you are no longer attracted to this goal, and you do not have enough motivation to achieve it. So, first study the following educational resources and then formulate your long-term career goal.
Source 1: Animation about long term and short-term planning
Source 2: Article about how to accomplish big things with long-term goals
Source 3: Article about how to set long term goals
Your next task is to learn how to set short-term goals.
Now that you are clear about your long-term career goal, you need to learn how to set short-term goals. What tools do you need to achieve your goals, and how can you reach them?
Go through the following learning resources and learn new skills in this area.
Source 1: Video on long term and short-term goals
Source 2: Article about short-term professional goals - how to set them
Source 3: Article about short-term goals to improve your career today
Your next task is to learn how to correctly formulate goals with the SMART method.
The SMART method is a concept that helps define and achieve goals. SMART is an acronym for the following criteria that should be met when setting goals:
Source 1: Video about SMART goal setting
Source 2: Article on how to write SMART goals
Source 3: Video containing SMART goals examples
You may have discovered that your long-term goal doesn't meet all of the SMART criteria. So try to improve the wording of your long-term career goal to match the SMART method.
Your next task is to set short-term goals - milestones that will lead you to achieve your long-term goal.
In task number 2, you set your long-term career goal. Now your task is to formulate several short-term goals that will be your milestones on the way to achieving your long-term goal. Don't forget that short-term goals must also follow the SMART method.
Setting milestones is important for achieving a goal for several reasons:
Therefore, setting milestones is a useful tool for planning and achieving goals. It helps maintain motivation and focus, provides measurable indicators of progress, and allows for accountability and transparency throughout the process.
Source 1: Video - A Guide to goal setting
Source 2: Article on how to set milestones to progress towards your goal
Your final task is to create a presentation that will include your plan to achieve your career goal.
Create a presentation that will include your long-term goal and also short-term goals - milestones on the way to this goal. Do not forget to use images that represent individual milestones and help you visualize your long-term and short-term goals. Present the resulting presentation to someone, either your friends or someone in your family.
A presentation is a form of visualization. Visualization can be a very useful tool for achieving a long-term goal. Visualization can help maintain motivation by allowing you to see what the outcome will look like when a goal is achieved. Visualization can also help remind us of the reasons why we set a goal and what led us to that decision.
Source 1: Video on how to use visualization to achieve your dreams
Source 2: Article about the importance of visualizing your goals
You have successfully completed several tasks in this WebQuest. Try to answer the following questions to see how much you have learned:
Właśnie pomyślnie ukończyłeś ten WebQuest na temat celów i planowania kariery. Jeśli ukończyłeś wszystkie zadania, możesz słusznie uważać się za eksperta w tym temacie, ponieważ masz teraz znacznie większą wiedzę na ten temat niż przeciętna osoba w Twoim kraju. Wiesz już, dlaczego planowanie kariery jest ważne. Możesz wyznaczyć cel długoterminowy, a także cele krótkoterminowe - kamienie milowe na drodze do celu długoterminowego. Nauczyłeś się korzystać z metody SMART, która pomaga formułować cele w prawidłowy i kompleksowy sposób. W ramach WebQuestu stworzyłeś również prezentację, która pokazuje Twój plan kariery i pomaga wizualizować Twoje cele zawodowe.
Gratulacje, twoja wiedza na temat planowania celów zawodowych jest teraz doskonała!
Task performance is not just important for getting through the day-to-day at work. Task performance is also very important for when you are planning for the future. Being able to consistently complete tasks and move towards the next thing can help you to develop your career goals and move forward in your position. In this WebQuest, you are going to explore the importance of self-control and persistence when performing tasks and how to plan for your future.
For the past few years, you have worked in an office with some of your friends. Recently, you have decided that you would like to get further in your career, but you don't know how. To get to where you want to be, you have decided to set some goals to help you get what you want from your career!
In this WebQuest, you will work in small groups (ideally 3 people). To begin with, you will have a group discussion in your groups about your motivation for your future goals.
After your discussion, you will begin your research about how to set short-term goals and the importance of them in achieving your future plans.
Next you will do some research on setting long-term goals and how to achieve your motivational aspirations through persistence.
With your new-found knowledge on goal-setting, it’s time to set your goals to achieve your plans for the future. Using the SMART goal-setting technique, you will create an example 5 year plan.
After you have set your goals, it is important to investigate what skills you will need to improve to accomplish these goals.
Finally when you have complied all this information and set your goals, you will develop a personal development plan to help guide you in the future!
Step 1: Self-Reflection/Brainstorming
The most important step in any goal-setting process is to understand what you want out of your career and for your life. This goes beyond questions about what you want to do with your life or career, and more in-depth into what you need to be happy, and what you would like to be happy in the future.
In your group, have a discussion about your motivations to discover what you would like from your future to understand what you would like so you can understand what you would need to achieve in order to get this:
Step 2: Goal-Setting for the Short-Term
Now that you understand your motivations for a happy and fulfilled future, it’s important to learn how to set short-term goals to achieve the most necessary items. What are the tools that you need to achieve your goals, and how can you get them?
To complete this step, carry out some research into short-term goal setting, and its importance for task performance.
Here are some links to get you started:
When you have finished your searching, take some time amongst yourselves to set three short-term goals for achieving your ideal dreams!
Step 3: Goal-Setting for the Long-Term
The second step in your goal-setting process is to learn how to set long-term goals. These are goals for the next 5, 10, or 15 years. This is where the big picture comes in. Setting goals for the long-term for both your professional and personal life is important.
Carry out some research into long-term goal setting and techniques for helping you set goals long-term.
Here are some links to get you started:
When you have finished your searching, take some time amongst yourselves to set three long-term goals for achieving your ideal dreams!
Step 4: SMART goals
After you have completed your research, it’s time to set your own personal development goals. Reflect back on your motivations that you discussed in Process 1, and begin to think of ways you can fulfil these motivations through goal-setting.
In particular, it is recommended that you follow the SMART goal-setting method which allows you to set goals that can be achieved both long-term and short-term. Using the SMART goal setting technique, you should set at least 5 goals aimed at your motivations or future plans that you discuss at Process 1.
Here are some links to planning tools that can help you:
Step 5: Skills Improvement
Reflecting on your SMART goals plan, think about what skills you need to improve to get to the place where you want to be. In your groups, have a small discussion about the skills that you want to improve for your future plans.
When your discussion is finished, take note of all the different skills you would need to work on to get where you want, and the skills that you already have!
Step 6: Personal Development Plan
Now that you have finished all your research, the final step is to prepare your personal development plan! Putting together all the work you have completed so far, develop your personal development plan keeping in mind the motivations that you set out in process 1.
Be sure to include your short-term and long-term goals, your SMART goals plan, as well as any skills improvement goals that you set in Process 5. The purpose of this plan is to set out all of your goals in an easy to read manner!
Using the template linked below, begin to create your personal development plan:
Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes |
Congratulations, you have now completed the WebQuest about task performance! In this WebQuest, you thought about where you would like to be in the future and how you are going to get there. You created some short-term goals, and some long-term goals, and collated them all into a personal development goal! Now that you are equipped with the ideal plan for your future, you are ready for taking the first step towards your future!
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number : 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065089